Record fairs, where you can buy, sell, trade your records and mostly share your passion about vinyl records..., where you stride along the alleys, in quest of the vinyl record, the CD, the cassette that is missing in your
collection or that will start a new collection of yours..., when it is so easy to fall for a rare record, a gem, a box set... Perfect places to discover an old album hidden in some crate while casually chatting with a record dealer... and also to shop around and find good deals for
posters and
protection or cleaning accessories.
The size of these events varies from one town to another and depends on the organizers. Find a list of the dates for some international events, and
French record fairs.
If you organize record fairs in your country and if you want to add yours to this calendar, feel free to contact us at with all the necessary information (name, place, entrance fee, advertisement poster, etc...)
CDandLP is available 24/7 to satisfy your musical drive. We enable you to dig your records on-line, in one click, from your country or from the other side of the world, in total confidence.
02/09/2025 - Deinze (9800 - Belgique)
Salle Brielpoort Lucien Matthyslaan 9 (Belgique)
ORGANIZER : De Dapper Eddy Tel; 09/380.45.05 - -
Price :
- Timetable : 9H-17H
- Duration : 1 day - Participants : X
Record fair added by CDANDLP