Economic : It is usually the slowest and cheapest type of shipping that can offer the seller, rarely including a tracking number and signature. It is ideal for low value items.
Not available
Priority : It is usually a fast type of shipping (by air for international). It sometimes can enable real time monitoring of the delivery if the postal service offers a tracking number.
Priority : It is usually a fast type of shipping (by air for international). It sometimes can enable real time monitoring of the delivery if the postal service offers a tracking number.
Used method by the seller for this type of shipping :
« colissimo » for French/European users only
Not available
Registered : It is usually a fast and secure type of shipping providing legal evidence of delivery and sometimes an insurance for the seller in case of loss or breakage.
Not available
Registered : It is usually a fast and secure type of shipping providing legal evidence of delivery and sometimes an insurance for the seller in case of loss or breakage.
Used method by the seller for this type of shipping :
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