Seller's comment :
rare ALBUM CD édition digipack limited QUASI COMME NEUF (digipack COMME NEUF).
16 Trackst featuring : R.E.M.: Drive (The 40 Watt Club, Athens, GA); U2 : Until The End Of The World (Live-Jack Murphy Stadium, San Diego, CA); Annie Lennox Cold (live-in Montreux, Switzerland); UB40 Sing Our Own Song (Live @Irvine Meadows, Irvine, CA); Soundgarden & QUEEN's guitarist Brian May New Damage (Live @PIE Studio OD'S, Glen Cove, NY) & many others...
"Cyrus", a truck powered by solar energy, was used to record each artist's concerts and also supplied power to mix the tracks, with the exception of Annie Lennox' "Cold". The arrival of a baby prevented her from visiting the USA.
Economic : It is usually the slowest and cheapest type of shipping that can offer the seller, rarely including a tracking number and signature. It is ideal for low value items.
Registered : It is usually a fast and secure type of shipping providing legal evidence of delivery and sometimes an insurance for the seller in case of loss or breakage.
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