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broken records
Until the earth begins to part

  • FormatoCD (CD, Album)
  • Discográfica4AD
  • PrensadoCAD2 9 21CD - Australia
  • Año2009
  • GéneroRock
  • EstiloIndie Rock
Código de Barras y Otros Identificadores:
Barcode: 652637292121
1 : Nearly Home
Lista de títulos :
  1. 1
    Nearly Home
  2. 2
    If The News makes You Sad, Don't Watch It
  3. 3
    Until The earth Begins To Part
  4. 4
    A Promise
  5. 5
    Thoughts On A Picture (In A Paper January 2009)
  6. 6
    If Eilert Loevborg Wrote A Song, It Would Sound Like This
  7. 7
  8. 8
  9. 9
    A Good Reason
  10. 10
    Slow Parade