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hoagy carmichael with vic schoen and his orchestra
For every man there's a woman / ok'l baby dok'l

  • FormatoVinilo 25 cm (Shellac, 10",78 RPM)
  • DiscográficaDecca
  • Prensado24331 - US
  • Año1948
  • GéneroPop
  • EstiloVocal
Código de Barras y Otros Identificadores:
Matrix / Runout (Side A label): L 4637
Matrix / Runout (Side B label): L 4635
Matrix / Runout (Side A stamped): WL4637T34A 9
Matrix / Runout (Side B stamped): WL4635T32A 9
Lista de títulos :
  1. A
    For Every Man There's A Woman
  2. B
    Ok'l Baby Dok'l