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BIGANT seller's performances and evaluations

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Positive : 2 (100%)     Neutral : 0 (0%)     Negative : 0 (0%)     Total : 2     Global average mark : 5.00 / 5
On 09/14/2024 from bainy250 (United Kingdom) -  Very satisfied
5 / 5
Brilliant thanks
On 07/27/2024 from michaelg8 (United Kingdom) -  Very satisfied
5 / 5

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Shop information

  • Seller

    : BIGANT
  • Catalogue

    : 344 items
  • Seller since

    : 07 - 2024
  • Total sales of all items

    : 3
  • Location

    : United Kingdom

Seller Rating
(2 feedback)

  • Customer satisfaction :
  • Fill rate :
Music categories
Only format