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the movers and the midnight stars
Black disco magic vol . 1

Vendu et expédié par


8 433 ventes

20.00 € TVA incluse (si applicable)
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  • FormatVinyle 33T
  • Etat pochetteVG- ?
  • Etat disqueVG ?
  • LabelRCA
  • PressageFrance
  • Année1978
  • Quantité disponible1
  • Frais d'expédition (à partir de) :
Commentaire du vendeur :
Wild organ solos, 2 boogie disco tracks & 2 jive tunes on this South African music compilation of previously released lp's or singles. Sleeve has wear & dirt, peeling of the upper plastic sheet on glossy cover along mouth, record has quite reasonable to very light opaque pressing patches noise on B side (clips 1 & 2) to hardly noticeable noise on A side (clip 3), ranges from solid VG- to VG+


Evaluation du vendeur  (1 395 notes)

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  • Disponibilité articles

Infos sur la boutique

  • Catalogue
    2 460 articles
  • Vendeur depuis
    09 - 2002
  • Ventes totales
    8 433
  • Pays d'expédition
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